Wednesday 28 October 2015

پنجابی کون اے تے پنجابیت کی اے؟

پنجابی او وے جیہڑا پنجاب وچ ریندا اے یا پنجاب توں بار کتے وی ریندا اے پر اوس دی زبان ' ثقافت ' تہذیب تے رسم و رواج پنجابی ھووے بھاویں اس دا دھرم یا ذات کجھ وی ھووے۔

پنجاب وچ رے کے وی جیس دی زبان ' ثقافت ' تہذیب تے رسم و رواج پنجابی نہ ھون اوپنجاب دا رین والا اے پر پنجابی نئیں۔

پنجابیت اے وے کہ پنجاب تے پنجابی قوم دی سماجی ' سیاسی ' معاشی تے اقتصادی ترقی واسطے کوشش تے جدوجہد کیتی جاوے۔

پنجابی زبان بولن والا ' ثقافت ' تہذیب تے رسم و رواج اختیار کرن والا جے پنجاب تے پنجابی قوم دی سماجی ' سیاسی ' معاشی تے اقتصادی ترقی واسطے کوشش تے جدوجہد نہ کرے تے او پنجابی تے ھے پر اوس وچ پنجابیت نئیں اے۔

Difference between Punjabi and Resident of Punjab.

Punjabi is a nation on the ground of common land and similar language, culture and traditions with dissimilar religions.

Beside the dissimilarity of religion, due to similarities of language, culture, and tradition, Punjabis have common political and worldly interests.

Beside the dissimilarity of Religion, Muslim Punjabi, Hindu Punjabi, Christian Punjabi, Sikh Punjabi, belong to the same nation, the Punjabi nation.

Religion is a personal subject for building moral character and spiritual development in the life of the hereafter.

A nation is a subject of social respect, economic growth and political stability for the worldly life affairs.

The Punjabi nation is composed of different tribes like Jatt, Araïn, Rajput, Gujjar, Awan etc.

A person living in Punjab or belongs to Punjab, but do not speak Punjabi, do not adopt Punjabi culture and do not practice Punjabi traditions is defined as a Resident of Punjab, but not a Punjabi.

However, due to accepting Punjab as the motherland, adopting the Punjabi language as mother tongue, assimilating in Punjabi culture and practicing Punjabi traditions, persons from the Arabic background, Baloch background, Pathan background races are also considered, counted and treated as Punjabi.

Baba Fareed, Bulleh Shah, Waris Shah were Arab background. Baba Fareed was the first poet of Punjabi language. Waris Shah is considered as the Shakespeare of Punjabi language. All are admitted and respected as the spiritual leaders of Punjabi nation.

Therefore, descendants of Arabic background, Baloch background, Pathan background invaders, infiltrators or immigrants in the land of five rivers are required to assimilate themselves into language, culture, and traditions of Punjab by following the footsteps of Baba Fareed, Bulleh Shah, Waris Shah to serve Punjab, Punjabi and Punjabi nation.

Mindset of Pakistani Punjabi.

In India, establishment, politics and the media are under the domination of Non-Punjabi Hindus and UP-ite mindset Hindi speaking people, therefore Hindu Punjabis, Sikh Punjabis and Christian Punjabis are under administrative, political and social domination of Non-Punjabi Hindus and UP-ite mindset Hindi speaking people, but in Pakistan, Punjabi Muslim has the dominating position in the establishment, politics and the media but, the only problem is of mind-set.

There are two types of Punjabi mindsets in Pakistan;

1. Punjabi's with Punjabi Mind-Set.

These have respect, regard, and honor for their land, language, culture, and traditions.

They are of the opinion that; “Gunga Jumna Culture” is not feasible for the integrity & prosperity of Pakistan because the nations of Pakistan have belonged to the “Indus Valley Civilization”.

They are on the path of Punjabi nationalism, for success, they only need to quit the unnecessary sponsorship to the Urdu language, Gunga Jumna culture, UP-ite traditions and instead of UP-ites, they need to enhance the interaction with Sammat, Brahvi and Hindko nations. 

It is not a difficult task because, Sammat, Brahvi and Hindko nations are deprived and depressed nations due to their social, economic and political domination by the Baloch, Pathan and Urdu Speaking Hindustani people. Therefore, they need the support of Punjabi nation;

1. To rescue the Hindko nation from social, economic and political domination of Afghani infiltrators and invaders, those claims themselves as Pathan, by socially, economically and politically strengthen the Hindko nation in KPK.

2. To rescue the Brahvi nation from social, economic and political domination of Kurdistani infiltrators and invaders, those claims themselves as Baloch, by socially, economically and politically strengthen the Brahvi nation in Baluchistan.

3. To rescue the Sammat nation from social, economic and political domination of Hindustani infiltrators and invaders, those claims themselves as Muhajir, by socially, economically and politically strengthen the Sammat nation in Sind.

2. Punjabi's with Non-Punjabi Mind-Set.

These do not have respect, regard, and honor for their motherland, language, culture, and traditions. 

In united Punjab, the Muslim Punjabi community was in social, economic, and political interaction with three other communities, i.e. Sikh Punjabis, Hindu Punjabis and Christian Punjabis. These Muslim Punjabis had some bitter experience of interaction with the Non-Muslim Punjabi's therefore, their instinct of assimilation is switched from “Nation Punjabi to Religion Islam”.

They are in the opinion that, being a majority population of Muslim country, Muslim Punjabi's are guardians of “Islamic Republic of Pakistan” and binding force of Pakistani Muslim people is Urdu language, Gunga Jumna culture, and UP-ite traditions.

For the purpose, they had opted Urdu as binding language of Pakistan to assimilate Punjabi, Sindhi, Baloch, Pukhtoon, Muslims and for the gesture with Muslims of India, as they prefer to speak Urdu in India by declaring the Urdu as the language of Muslims.

A Short History of Punjab

The word 'Punjab’ appeared for the first time in the Book "Tarikh-e-Sher Shah” (1580). It describes the construction of a fort by 'Sher Khan of Punjab’. A reference to the word 'Punjab’ can be found in "Ain-e-Akbari” Part 1 as well, which describes that the territory can be divided into provinces of Lahore and Multan. Even the second volume of 'Ain-e-Akbari’ contains the word 'Punjab’ in it. The word also occurs in the book of the Mughal King Jahangir, under the name 'Tuzk-i-Janhageeri’. However, the first mentioning of Punjab as a place occurs in the Great Hindu epic Mahabharata, where it is described as Pancha-Nanda means 'the country of five rivers’.

Let we now delve into the origin and history of Punjab. Archaeologists have discovered evidence of life in the Punjab region as early as 7000 B.C. By around 3000 BC, life grew in and around the Indus Valley, which gave rise to the Indus Valley Civilization. Then, there was the evolution of historic cities like Harappa (near Sahiwal in West Punjab) and Mohenjo Daro (near Sindh). After 19th century BC, there was the sudden decline of these civilizations. Next thousand years saw the dominance of Aryans, who migrated from the North-West (1500-100 BC), over the Indus region. The oldest book of human history, Rig Veda, is supposed to be written only in the region, during the Aryan period.

Punjab was continuously attacked by the Persian kings, as it was lying just at the outskirt of the Persian Empire. The Persian king, King Gustasp conquered the region in 516 BC. Consequently, Punjab became the wealthiest satrapy i.e. a province of the Persian kingdom. The Greeks, the strong competitors of the Persians also had a lure for Punjab territory. In 321 BC, the Great Greek King Alexander invaded Punjab, breaking the authority of the Persian kings. He invited all the chieftains of the Persian Satrapy to come and surrender to him.

After the stretch of time, the Greek empire in the east was disrupted by the ascendancy of the Bacterians. In the second century BC, Bacterian King Demetrius, I added Punjab to his kingdom. During the same period, the Northern Sakas successfully wrestled the power of the area from the Indo-Greeks. The White Huns established their rule over the state in the late 3rd century AD. Now, it was the turn of the Arabs to get attracted to the land. They conquered the area of Multan in 8th century AD. Meanwhile, Mahmud Ghaznavi, the ruler of Ghazni, attacked Punjab 17 times during his reign. However, the Ghaznavids were uprooted by the Ghauris, who spreader as far as Delhi. Then, there were subsequent short-term rules of the Mamluk’s, Khilji’s, Tughluq’s, Sayyid’s and Lodhi’s.

In 1160, Muhammad Ghori, a Turkic ruler, conquered Ghazni from the Ghaznavids and became its governor in 1173. In 1186–87, he conquered Punjab, bringing the last of Ghaznavid territory under his control and ending the Ghaznavid Empire.

Muhammad Ghori's successors established the Delhi Sultanate. The Delhi Sultanate is a term used to cover five short-lived kingdoms or sultanates of Turkic origin rules from Delhi between 1206 and 1526 when the last was replaced by the Mughal dynasty.

The five Turkic dynasties ruled their empires from Delhi:
The Mamluk (1211–90),
The Khalji (1290–1320),
The Tughlaq (1320–1413),
The Sayyid (1414–51)
The Lodhi (1451–1526).

The Turkic origin Mamluk Dynasty, (Mamluk means "Owned" and referred to the Turkic youths bought and trained as soldiers who became rulers throughout the Islamic world), seized the throne of the Sultanate in 1211.

The sultans eventually lost Afghanistan, Punjab, and Delhi to the Mongols. The Sultanate declined after the invasion of Emperor Timur, who founded the Timurid Dynasty and was eventually conquered in 1526 by the Mughal king Babar.

Punjab had a picture of chaos and disorder as Ahmad Shah Abdali's empire in Punjab had crumbled Punjab. Punjab had been under the Afghan rule since 1757. Adina Beg Khan had political influence in Jalandhar Doab. Afghans appointed him Administrator (Nazim) of the Jalandhar Doab. During Taimur Shah`s governorship (1757-58), Adina Beg Khan began to look around for allies with a view to expelling the Afghans from Jalandhar Doab. The Sikhs and Adina Beg Khan`s troops joined hands and defeated the Afghans at Mahalpur, in Hoshiarpur district.

By 1758, Adina Beg Khan met the Sikhs and requested their help to throw out the Afghans representative from Lahore. Soon Hari Singh Bhangi along with his son Jhanda Singh, Gujjar Singh, Lehna Singh built a combined front with Jassa Singh Ahluwalia, Jassa Singh Ramgarhia, Jai Singh Kanahiya, Charat Singh Sukerchakia and other Sikh Sardars.

Keeping up appearances with the Sikh Sardars, Adina Beg Khan wished to weaken the power of Afghans in Punjab and invited to this end Marathas who had taken Delhi to come to Punjab, offering them one lakh of rupees a day on the march.

He also persuaded Sikhs to help the Marathas against the Afghans. The Marathas led by Raghunath Rao and accompanied by the forces of the Sikhs and those of Adina Beg Khan entered Lahore in April 1758. Timur Shah fled to Afghanistan and they captured the city of Lahore without any great effort.

Adina Beg Khan got the Subahdar of Punjab at 75 lakh of rupees a year to be paid to the Marathas. Punjab had now three masters: the Mughals, the Afghans, and the Marathas, but in reality only two Adina Beg Khan and the Sikhs.

Adina Beg Khan succumbed to an attack of colic in Batala on 10 September 1758. He died at age of 48. If Adina Beg Khan had not died at the age of 48 and had a life for a decade or two then the Secular Empire of Punjab was presumed in 1760’s under Kingship of Adina Beg Khan and liberated Punjab from the invasion of
 Mughal would not have been plundered by the Afghans and due to Muslim Punjabi and Sikh Punjabi harmony with political strategies and political maneuvering skills of Adina Beg Khan along with the physical power of Sikh armed forces Punjab would have been a powerful state of South Asia.

Adina Beg Khan was a bridging and binding force to unite the Muslim Punjabis and Sikh Punjabis to liberate Punjab from Mughal invaders, to control the Afghans, to maneuver the Marathas by smartly managing the Afghans to deteriorate the Mughal invaders in Punjab and handling the Marathas to throw out Afghans from Punjab. But after his death, the defenders of Punjab were the only Sikhs.

Sikhs joined hands to overthrow Taimur Shah and his Chief, Jalal Khan. Afghans had to return and Lahore came under the Sikhs in 1758. Jassa Singh Ahluwalia became the head of the Sikh sovereignty. Under his rule, the domain of Sikhs considerably grew over Punjab. After the death of Jassa Singh, Afghans started gaining power again. However, that was short term, as Maharaja Ranjit Singh built up a strong force to counteract them.

One of the main rivals to be defeated by Ranjit Singh was Shah Zaman. Shah Zaman, despite his previous defeats, attacked Lahore and surrounded Sikhs from all the sides. The Afghans now planned to attack Amritsar, which was well answered by the forces of Ranjit Singh. Ranjit Singh won the hearts of everyone in Punjab, irrespective of religion and status. It was on July 7, 1799, that the victorious Ranjit Singh entered Lahore.

Almost 777 years of foreign rule, starting from the Turkish invader Mahmud of Ghazni in 1022 after ousting the Hindu Shahi ruler Raja Tarnochalpal, until the time Maharajah Ranjit Singh entered the gates of Lahore on July 7, 1799; Punjabis had not ruled their own land. He finally acquired a kingdom in the Punjab, which stretched from the Sutlej River in the east to Peshawar in the west, and from the junction of the Sutlej and the Indus in the south to Ladakh in the north. Ranjit Singh died in 1839 and struggle of succession followed his death.

The British entered the province of Punjab with 32,000 troops by 1845 and moved to the Sutlej frontier. British and Sikh troops engaged in the First Anglo-Sikh War near Ferozepur, in late 1845. The war ended the following year and the territory between the Sutlej and the Beas fell into the hands of the British rule, along with Kashmir. As per the Peace Treaty and the Treaty of Lahore, Punjab was totally annexed by the British East India Company and Dalip Singh, the minor Sikh ruler, was pensioned off.

The black day of the Jalianwala Bagh Massacre occurred in Amritsar in 1919. It agitated the Punjabis to revolt against the tyranny of the colonial rule. The 1940 Lahore Resolution of the Muslim League made Punjab the center of a bloodier struggle but, communal tensions erupted in 1947 between the majority of Muslim Punjabis and the minorities of Hindu Punjabis and Sikh Punjabis. As the result of the independence of British India with partition into India and Pakistan on 14th August 1947, the British Punjab province was partitioned as Punjab province of Pakistan and the Punjab province of India on 17th August 1947. Since both have never seen back after independence but grown ever in the economic and moral matters.

Economy of Punjab, Pakistan

The economy of Punjab, Pakistan is one that is largely based on agriculture and industry. Punjab is the largest province of Pakistan in terms of population, and also has the largest and fastest growing economy in the country compared to other provinces and administrative units.

Punjab's economy has quadrupled since 1972. Its share of Pakistan's GDP was 54.7% in 2000 and 59% as of 2010.

It is especially dominant in the Service & Agriculture sectors of the Pakistan Economy. With its contribution ranging from 52.1% to 64.5% in the Service Sector and 56.1% to 61.5% in the Agriculture Sector.

It is also a major manpower contributor because it has the largest pool of professionals and highly skilled (Technically trained) manpower in Pakistan.

It is also dominant in the Manufacturing sector, though the dominance is not as huge, with historical contributions ranging from a low of 44% to a high of 52.6%.

In 2007, Punjab achieved a growth rate of 7.8% and during the period 2002-03 to 2007-08, its economy grew at a rate of between 7% to 8% per year and during 2008-09 grew at 6% against the total GDP growth of Pakistan at 4%.

Despite lack of a coastline, Punjab is the most industrialized province of Pakistan; its manufacturing industries produce textiles, sports goods, Heavy machinery, electrical appliances, surgical instruments, Cement, Vehicles, Auto Parts, I.T, metals, Sugar mill plants, Cement Plants, Agriculture Machinery, bicycles and rickshaws, floor coverings, and processed foods.

In 2003, the province manufactured 90% of the paper and paper boards, 71% of the fertilizers, 69% of the sugar and 40% of the cement of Pakistan.

Despite its a tropical wet and dry climate, extensive irrigation makes it a rich agricultural region. Its canal-irrigation system established by the British is the largest in the world. Wheat and cotton are the largest crops. Other crops include rice, sugarcane, millet, corn, oilseeds, pulses, vegetables, and fruits such as Kinoo. Livestock and poultry production are also important. Despite past animosities, the rural masses in Punjab's farms continue to use the Hindu calendar for planting and harvesting.

Punjab contributes about 76% to annual food grain production in the country. Cotton and rice are important crops. They are the cash crops that contribute substantially to the national exchequer. Attaining self-sufficiency in agriculture has shifted the focus of the strategies towards small and medium farming, stress on barani areas, farms-to-market roads, electrification for tube-wells and control of water logging and salinity.

Punjab has also more than 68 thousand industrial units. The small and cottage industries are in abundance. There are 39,033 small and cottage industrial units. The number of textile units is 14,820. The ginning industries are 6,778. There are 7,355 units for the processing of agricultural raw materials including food and feed industries.

Lahore and Gujranwala Divisions have the largest concentration of small light engineering units.

District of Faisalabad is famous for Textile products.

District of Jhang has the largest Wheat & Sugar cane production share with the maximum number of floor and sugar producing industries.

The district of Sialkot excels in sports goods, surgical instruments and cutlery goods.

The district of Chiniot is famous for more specialized furniture industry.

Punjab is also a mineral rich province with extensive mineral deposits of Coal, Gas, Petrol, Rock salt (with the second largest salt mine in the world), Dolomite, gypsum, and silica-sand. The Punjab Mineral Development Corporation is running over a hundred's economically viable projects. Manufacturing includes machine products, cement, plastics, and various other goods.

India Wullon Pakistan Day Punjabiyan Naal Lurda Kon A?

1971 vich Bengal day wakh hon da credit kha makhwa India lainda a. Kyon k Bengal nu tay Pakistan vich shamal kurn laee Punjabi unj e raazi nai sun tay na kadi Punjabiyan demand kiti c k Bengal nu Pakistan vich shamal kita jaaway.

Pakistan da naa Chaudhary Rehmat Ali nay purpose kita tay Pakistan nu Punjab (undivided), KPK, Kashmir, Sind, Baluchistan day area tay bunaan di demand kiti.

1940 day Lahore resolution vich v, jayra Punjab day Prime Minister tay Unionist Party day President Sir Sikandar Hayat nay pesh kita, Bengal nu wakh mulk bunaan di gul kiti.

Bengali j 1971 vich wakh hona chanday sun tay Punjabi v Bengali nu wakh e rakhna chanday sun. Ays laee 1971 vich Bengal day wakh hon da India nu ki credit?

India nu credit ays da milda k 1965 tay 1971 di jung vich Punjab tay qabza kar k wakhaanda.

India nu credit ays gul da milda k Sindhiyaan nu Sindhu Desh, Pathana nu Pakhtoonistan, Balochan nu Azad Baluchistan, Urdu Speaking Hindustani Muhajiran nay Jinnahpur bunwa k day dainda.

India day hath cha k jayray thoray jaay Sindhiyaan nay Sindhu Desh, Pathana nay Pakhtoonistan, Balochan nay Azad Baluchistan, Urdu Speaking Hindustani Muhajiran nay Jinnahpur bunaan di koshish kiti, o kamyaab tay na ho sakay par hun Punjabiyaan kolon Tooni zaroor kha raay nay tay Bunday day Puttar v bunday jaa raay nay.

Pathana nu Tooni Shoni laa k hun wapas Waziristan vich ghulun da kum shoro ho gayaa a. Hun Pathana day Piyo nay v himmat nai karni k India day aasray tay Pakhtoonistan di gul karn.

Hun Urdu Speaking Hindustani Muhajiran nu Tooni Shoni lugna shoro ho raee a. Tooni toun baad Urdu Speaking Hindustani Muhajiran day Piyo nay v himmat nai karni k India day aasray tay Jinahpur di gul karn.

Sindhi tay Baloch unj e rural areas vich rayn waalay Budmaash tay Choor loog nay. Pathana tay Urdu speaking Hindustani Muhajiran di Tooni Shoni waykh k e inna day Piyo nay v himmat nai karni k India day aasray tay Sindhu Desh tay Azad Baluchistan di gul karn.

Pakistan tay hy e Muslman Punjabiyan da mulk. Pakistan di 60% population Punjabi a. Zahir a Punjabi nay Sindhi, Baloch, Pathan, Urdu Speaking Hindustani Muhajir nu v Pakistan day naal ghadaari nai karn dayni tay India day naal v Punjabi nay e lurna a.

Hun Pakistan day Muslman Punjabi naal India wullon larda kon a?

India wullon Pakistan day Punjabi naal Jung Telgu Nation, Tamil Nation, Kannada Nation, Bhojpuri Nation, Marathi Nation, Gujarati Nation, Rajasthani Nation, UP, CP di Hindustani Nation kardi a? Bengali Hindu karday nay? Punjabi Hindu karday nay? Punjabi Sikh karday nay?

India wullon Pakistan day Punjabi naal jayray v India wullon Jung karday nay, pehlay Pakistan day Punjabi unna naal Conventional tay Nuclear war kar lyn. Ta k gul kisay passay luggay.

How Punjab was Destroyed and Punjabi Nation was Eliminated?

The Partition of India was the partition of the British Indian Empire that led to the creation of the sovereign states of the Dominions of Pakistan and India on 15 August 1947 with the division of the Punjab.

In the riots which preceded the partition in the Punjab region, about 2 Million people were killed in the retributive genocide and 20 Million people were displaced.

The Time Magazine of September 1947 gave killing static around one million people. However, it was the largest genocide after the Second World War.

UNHCR estimates 14 million Muslim Punjabis, Hindu Punjabis, Sikh Punjabis were displaced during the partition; However, it was the largest mass migration in human history too.

Was it the creation of the Dominions of 
Pakistan and India or it was the Destruction of Punjab?

Was it the creation of the Dominions of Pakistan and India or it was the Elimination of Punjab nation?

Bad Luck of Punjabi Nation.

Pakistan is a Punjabi state with 60% Punjabi population of Pakistan and total control on military establishment, civil bureaucracy, foreign affairs, agricultural sector, industrial sector, trade sector, political organizations, media organizations, education institutions, skilled professions.

Urdu speaking, UP, CP people of Gunga Jumna culture and tradition, called as Muhajir are now in the process of replacement from each and every sector, institution and organization by the Pathan, Baloch and Sindhi people.

From the eastern side of Pakistan, Hindustanis (Hindi-Urdu speaking people of UP. CP) has a conspirator mind-set, therefore, they exploited the Marathi nation, Bhojpuri nation, Telugu nation, Tamil nation, Rajasthani nation, Kannada nation, Gujarati nation, Oriya nation, Malayalam nation, Assamese nation, Hindu Bengali, Hindu Punjabi, Sikh Punjabi against Punjabi state Pakistan.

Marathi nation, Bhojpuri nation, Telugu nation, Tamil nation, Rajasthani nation, Kannada nation, Gujarati nation, Oriya nation, Malayalam nation, Assamese nation, Hindu Bengali of India never played any adventure game against Punjabi state Pakistan. However, Hindustanis (Hindi-Urdu speaking people of UP, CP)  were successful to engage Punjabi Sikh and Punjabi Hindu in fighting with Punjabi Muslims and they have been doing it for 68 years. You may call it bad luck of the Punjabi nation that Punjabis are fighting with each other due to a conspiracy of Hindustanis (Hindi-Urdu speaking people of UP, CP).

اب پنجاب اور پنجابی قوم کو مزید تقسیم کرنا ممکن نہیں رھا۔

فرعون کا ذکر ھے کہ اس نے اپنی قطبی قوم کو جوڑا ھوا تھا اور بنی اسرائیل کو ٹکڑیوں میں بانٹا ھوا تھا۔ یہ راج نیتی کے کھیل کا حصہ ھے اور پنجابی قوم کے ساتھ یہ کھیل بار بار کھیلا گیا۔ پنجابی قوم کو ذات ' برادری ' علاقے ' فرقے ' مذھب کی بنیاد پر ٹکڑیوں میں بانٹ کر مغلوب کیا جاتا رھا۔

تاریخ پڑھ کر دیکھی جائے تو پتا چلتا ھے کہ ' پچھلے ھزار سالوں سے انڈس ویلی سولائزیشن کے خطے کی اصل طاقت پنجاب رھی ھے۔ لیکن پنجابی قوم کو ذات ' برادری ' علاقے ' فرقے ' مذھب کی بنیاد پر ٹکڑیوں میں بانٹ کر خطے پر غیر پنجابی مسلمانوں کی حکومت قائم کی جاتی رھی۔  مگر جب 1799 میں پنجابی قوم ذات ' برادری ' علاقے ' فرقے ' مذھب کی بنیاد پر ٹکڑیوں میں بٹنے کے بجائے پنجابی قوم کی بنیاد پر اکٹھی ھوئی تو مسلمان غیر پنجابی مغلوب ھوگئے۔

بحرحال 1901 میں انگریز نے طاقت کے ذریعے پنجاب کے مغربی علاقے کو پنجاب سے الگ کیا اور1947 میں پنجابی قوم کو مذھب کی بنیاد پر تقسیم کرکے پنجاب کو مشرقی پنجاب اور مغربی پنجاب میں تقسیم کرنے کا مذھبی حربہ بھی کامیاب رھا۔ لیکن پی پی پی کی سندھی حکومت کے دور میں سرائیکی کی بنیاد پر مسلمان پنجابیوں اور مغربی پنجاب کو تقسیم نہیں کیا جاسکا۔ بلکہ اب تو یہ ناممکن ھو گیا ھے۔ کیونکہ اب پھر سے پنجاب نے کروٹ بدلی ھے اور پنجابی قوم نے پھر سے ذات ' برادری ' علاقے ' فرقے ' مذھب کی بنیاد پر تقسیم کو رد کرکے قوم کی بنیاد پر اکٹھا ھونا شروع کردیا ھے۔ اس لیے اب کسی بھی نام پر  پنجاب اور پنجابی قوم کو مزید تقسیم کرنا ممکن نہیں رھا۔ بلکہ اب تو جن پنجابیوں کو پنجابی کے بجائے غیر پنجابی بنایا گیا تھا ' جیسے ھندکو پنجابی اور ڈوگرے پنجابی وغیرھ ' انہوں نے بھی پنجابی بننا شروع کردینا ھے۔

Punjabi Sirf Punjab Ki Development Par Dhiyaan Dyn.

Punjabi k liay Pakistan k her ous area mein development karna baywaqoofi hoogi, jis area say Punjab ko gaaliyaan di jaati hoon, jis area mein Punjabi ja na sakta ho, jis area mein Punjabi business na kar sakta ho, jis area say Punjabiyon ki laasjain Punjab aati hon.

Punjabi sirf Punjab ki development par dhiyaan dyn. Doosray apnay apnay areas ki development kar saktay hain tu kar lyn warna Punjabi nay un ka theeka tu nahi liya howa k gaalyaan kha kha kar aur laashain wasool kar kar k bhe un k areas ki development karta phiray.

Balkay.... Punjabi ko chaheay k jo Baloch, Pathan aur Urdu Speaking Hindustani, Punjab mein rehtay hain, un k sath bhe waisa he salook karay jo in k loog Punjabi k sath apnay apnay areas mein kartay hain.

Punjab Ko Divide Kar K Pakistan Ka Bunaana Ghalat Tha.

1947 mein Pakistan ko bunaanay k liay Sindhi Jinnah aur Urdu Speaking Hindustani Liaquat Ali Khan nay Direct Action Day k zariay Muslim aur Non-Muslim fasaadaat karwa kar Punjab ko aur Punjabi Qoom ko Muslim aur Non-Muslim mein divide karwa diya tha.

 Punjab ki division ki wajaah say 20 Lakh Punjabi maaray gaay. 2 Croor Punjabi displace ho gaay. Punjabiyon ki displacement world ki known history ki sub say bari displacement count ki jaati hy.

 Pichlay 67 years say Punjabi Qoom Massacre aur Migration Trauma mein thi aur sath sath Sindhiyon, Balochon, Pathano aur Urdu Speaking Hindustani Muhajiron ki gaaliyaan bhe sunn rahi thi aur in say blackmail bhe ho rahi thi.

 Durassal, 67 years say Muslman Pakistani Punjabi Qoom apni identity search kar rahi thi k Muslman Pakistani Punjabi kon hain? Muslman hain? Pakistani hain? Punjabi hain?

 Ab Muslman Pakistani Punjabi Qoom nay apni identity search kar lee hy k Muslim tu wo Religion ki wajaah say hain. Pakistani wo Pakistan ka Citizen honay ki wajaah say hain laykun Punjabi wo Punjabi Qoom hoonay ki wajaah say hain.

 Punjabi chahay Muslman ho ya Sikh. Hindu ho ya Christian. Religious dissimilarity k bawajood similar land, language, culture aur traditions ki wajaah say, hain wo Punjabi he. Es liay Punjabi ko Muslman Sindhi, Muslman Baloch, Muslman Pathan aur Muslman Urdu Speaking Hindustani Muhajir k bajaay Punjabi Sikh, Punjabi Hindu aur Punjabi Christian ko phir say unite karna chaheay. Punjab ko phir say unite karna chaheay.

 Punjab ki geographical land aur Punjabi nation alug topic hy jub k Punjab ki geographical land aur Punjabi nation par aik hakoomat ka hoona ya aik say ziyaada hakoomton ka hoona alug topic hy.

 Punjab ki geographical land aur Punjabi nation par es waqt bhe aik say ziyaada hakoomtain hain.

 Aik Punjab tu Pakistan mein hy jis mein Muslman Punjabi rehtay hain. Dosra Punjab India mein hy jis mein Sikh Punjabi rehtay hain. Teesra Punjab bhe India mein he hy jis mein Hindu Punjabi rehtay hain.

 1947 say pehlay yeh Punjab aik he Punjab tha jis mein Muslman Punjabi, Sikh Punjabi, Hindu Punjabi aur Christian Punjabi aapas mein mil jul kar rehtay thay.

 Punjab ko divide kar k Pakistan ka bunaana he ghalat tha. Pakistan ko bunaana tha tu 1940 k resolution k matabaq bunaaya jaata jis k tahat Punjab ko divide nahi hoona tha, Bengal nay Pakistan mein shamal nahi hoona tha aur Kashmir nay Pakistan mein shamal hoona tha.

 Waisay, Punjab ko Pakistan mein shamal karnay k bajaay, as a Punjab he alug State bunna diya jaata tu ziyaada behtar tha. Yeh he demand Unionist Party k president aur Prime Minister of Punjab Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan ki thi. Second world war k waqt in he terms and conditions par Sir Sikandar Hayat nay British ko support bhe kiya aur es liay he second world war mein British Colonies mein say sub say ziyaada recruitment British Army mein Punjab say hoee. Laykun 1942 mein Sir Sikandar Hayat ki 50 years ki age mein death ho gaee jis ki wajaah say Punjab aur Punjabi Qoom mein leadership crisis ho gayaa aur Jinnah ko Punjab mein Muslim League ko organize kar k Secular Punjab ko Religious Punjab mein covert karnay ka mooqa mil gayaa, jis ka injaam Punjab mein mazhabi fasaad k baad Punjab ki taqseem, 20 Laakh Punjabiyon k qatal aur 2 Croor Punjabiyon ki displacement nikla aur 67 saal say Punjabi ghair Punjabiyon say gaaliyan bhe soun rahay hain aur blackmail bhe ho rahay hain.