Wednesday 16 December 2015

Why Punjabi was Responsible for the Separation of Bengali and Still a Problem in Pakistan?

Bengali is the second largest ethnic population of the Muslim Ummah and Punjabi is the third largest ethnic population of Muslim Ummah. Bengali was the first biggest nation and Punjabi was the third biggest nation in British India.

After creation of Pakistan by dividing Bengal and Punjab, the Bengali nation became the largest ethnic population of Pakistan, Punjabi nation became the second largest ethnic population of Pakistan and Pakistan became the biggest state of the Muslim Ummah.

As the nation, religion, and state are realities, because of their functions, intentions, principles, purposes, reasons, rules and utilities are different, therefore, after the creation of Pakistan as a big state of the Muslim Ummah, to perform the triple role was a compulsion for the every Pakistani citizen.

After creation of Pakistan, the Bengali, Sindhi, Baloch, Pathan started to perform their role as a Pakistani, as a Muslim and as a Nation. But, Punjabi was reluctant to play the role of their natural affinity, that was Punjabi and acted only as a Pakistani and as a Muslim by ignoring the role of their natural affinity as a Punjabi.

As the East Bengal had been already Muslim Bengali dominated area and West Bengal was Non-Muslim Bengali dominated area, therefore, division of Bengal for creation of Pakistan was peaceful process, but Punjab was with mix population of Muslim Punjabi, Hindu Punjabi, Sikh Punjabi, and Christian Punjabi population, therefore, division of Punjab resulted in massacre of 2 million Punjabis and mass migration of 20 million Punjabis.

As, since the partition of British India, socially and the politically Punjabi nation was a confused, depressed and deprived nation due to "Dilemma of Division of Punjab and Punjabi Nation", "Trauma of Massacre of 2 Million Punjabis" and " Shock of World Largest Mass Migration". Therefore, Punjabi's were hanging to relocate their ideology that; The dominant factor of their identity should be their nation? The dominant factor of their identity should be their religion? The dominant factor of their identity should be their state?

However, after the creation of Pakistan, the Bengali, Sindhi, Baloch, Pathan started to perform their triple role as a Pakistani, as a Muslim and as a Nation. But, beside the "Trauma of Massacre of 2 Million Punjabis" and " Shock of World Largest Mass Migration", because of becoming clones of Urdu speaking, Gunga Jumna culture, people of UP, CP, Pakistani Muslim Punjabis lost their characteristic of thinking as a Punjabi therefore, Punjabi acted only as a Pakistani and as a Muslim by ignoring the role of their natural affinity as a Punjabi

Due to the biggest population of Pakistan and hyperactive in performing their role of Bengali as their natural affinity, the Bengali nation was in demand to solve and resolve the political difference, disputes and issues of the people of Pakistan on ground of nations but, being the second biggest population of Pakistan, the Punjabi was reluctant to admit and accept it.

Geographically, Bengalis were already holding their separate land as the eastern wing of Pakistan and 1000 miles away from the western wing of other nations of Pakistan therefore, arose a conflict boosted due to ignoring and rejecting the reality of a nation by the biggest population of the western wing of Pakistan due to not performing their natural affinity role as a Punjabi which resulted in the separation of Pakistan Muslim Bengalis from the state of Pakistan.

In the remaining western wing of Pakistan, the Sindhi, Baloch, Pathan nations are living side by side with Punjabi nation and they are performing their role as a Pakistani, as a Muslim and as a Nation. But, still, Punjabis are acting as a Pakistani and as a Muslim only.

The eastern wing of Pakistan was composed of homogeneous populations of Bengali nation, but the provinces of the western wing of Pakistan are heterogeneous due to mix population of Punjabi, Sindhi, Baloch, Pathan population in every province, therefore, dispute of nations and delay in its solution is damaging and fatal for the Punjabis residing in the land of Sindhi, Baloch and Pathan nations along with social harmony in the nations of Pakistan and political stability in Pakistan.

Political stability in Pakistan with social harmony in the nations of Pakistan is of vital importance for the economic growth, developmental projects and better administration of Pakistan. Therefore, to redress and resolve the differences and disputes of nations between Punjabi, Sindhi, Baloch and Pathan nations, the Pakistani Muslim Punjabi masses should start to perform their triple role 1. As a Punjabi 2. As a Muslim Punjabi. 3. As a Pakistani Muslim Punjabi, instead of performing the double role as a Pakistani and as a Muslim, with the realization that;

 1. They are inhabitants of the historic land of five rivers called as Punjab, their language is Punjabi, their culture is Punjabi and they attain the Punjabi traditions, therefore, without discrimination of race, color, creed or religion, they are Punjabi and they are the part of Punjabi nation. That's why, as a Punjabi and being the largest population in the 9th biggest nation and Punjabi speaking population of the world and the 3rd biggest nation of South Asia, they are supposed to build up the respectable social, economic and political interaction with other religious communities of the Punjabi Nation, as well as, political stability, economic growth and social respect of their nation in the worldly life affairs.

2. They follow the teachings of Islam, therefore, without discrimination of race, color, creed or nation, they are Muslim and they are the part of Muslim Ummah. That's why, as a Muslim Punjabi and being the 3rd largest ethnic community in the Muslim Ummah, they are supposed to practice Islam for their moral character building and the spiritual development of the life of the hereafter, moreover, respectable social, economic and political interaction with other ethnic communities of the Muslim Ummah.

3. They are the citizens of Pakistan, therefore, without discrimination of race, color, creed or nation, they are Pakistani and they are the part of the Pakistani State (A state composed of the area of Indus Valley Civilization). That's why, as a Pakistani Muslim Punjabi and being the largest ethnic population in Pakistan, they are supposed to take part in the political stability, economic growth and social respect of their state Pakistan, furthermore, respectable social, economic and political interaction with other nations and ethnic communities of Pakistan.

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