Saturday 28 November 2015

Identity and Ideological Crisis of Pakistani Muslim Punjabi.

The Punjabi nation is composed of 56% Muslim Punjabi community of Punjabi nation, 26% Hindu Punjabi community of Punjabi nation, 14% Sikh Punjabi community of Punjabi nation, 4% Christian Punjabi community of Punjabi nation.

Traditionally, Punjabi identity refers to those for whom the Punjabi language is the first language, those assimilated into the Punjabi culture, they attain the Punjabi traditions, who reside in the Punjab region and associate themselves with the Punjabi Nation, therefore, Punjabi identity is independent of race, color, creed or religion.

Punjabi is the 9th biggest nation and Punjabi speaking population of the world. The Punjabi nation is the 3rd biggest nation of South Asia. Punjabi Muslims are the 3rd largest ethnic community in the Muslim Ummah. Punjabis are the largest ethnic population in Pakistan. (A state composed upon the area of Indus Valley Civilization).

But, since the partition of British India, socially and politically Pakistani Muslim Punjabis were a confused, depressed and deprived community due to "Dilemma of Division of Punjab and Punjabi Nation", "Trauma of Massacre of 2 Million Punjabis" and " Shock of World Largest Mass Migration". Therefore, Pakistani Muslim Punjabi's were hanging to relocate their ideology that; They are Pakistani? They are Muslim? They are Punjabi?

Since from creation of Pakistan, Pakistani Muslim Punjabis have felt uncomfortable and upset due to the victimization of Pakistani Muslim Punjabis regarding social respect and regard for Punjabi people by the Non-Punjabi Muslims, victimization with the Pakistani Muslim Punjabis in Sind, Karachi, Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, hurdles in socioeconomic stability of the Pakistani Muslim Punjabi Community in Pakistan, conspiracies in the prosperity and integrity of Punjab, Pakistan.

Lot’s of time, Punjabi nationalists tried to gather and unite the Pakistani Muslim Punjabis for the struggle to achieve the goal of social respect and regard of Punjabi people, for fair treatment with the Pakistani Muslim Punjabis in Sind, Karachi, Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, to remove the obstacles in socioeconomic stability of Pakistani Muslim Punjabis, to counter the conspiracies in prosperity and integrity of Punjab, Pakistan. But, the effort of uniting Pakistani Muslim Punjabis without stimulating awareness of their Punjabi identity in Punjabi masses and without providing them the consciousness of their Punjabi ideology, they always remained frail, fruitless and useless.

However, now it seems that Punjabi nationalists are succeeded in stimulating awareness of Punjabi identity in Pakistani Muslim Punjabi masses, therefore, now Punjabi nationalists are in the struggle to promote Punjabi language, culture, and traditions, along with, demand from Government of Punjab to implement Punjabi as an educational and official language of Punjab. But, it is an initial stage.

Punjabi nationalists are required to move forward and relocate the ideology of Punjabi nation too. Because, ideology is an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation and due to becoming clones of Urdu speaking, Gunga Jumna culture, people of UP, CP, Pakistani Muslim Punjabis had lost their characteristic of thinking as a Punjabi.

Therefore, now Punjabi nationalists are required to provide the consciousness of Punjabi ideology too, to the Pakistani Muslim Punjabi masses that;

1. They are inhabitants of the historic land of five rivers called as Punjab, their language is Punjabi, their culture is Punjabi and they attain the Punjabi traditions, therefore, without discrimination of race, color, creed or religion, they are Punjabi and they are the part of Punjabi nation. That's why, as a Punjabi and being the largest population in the 9th biggest nation and Punjabi speaking population of the world and the 3rd biggest nation of South Asia, they are supposed to build up the respectable social, economic and political interaction with other religious communities of the Punjabi Nation, as well as, political stability, economic growth and social respect of their nation in the worldly life affairs.

2. They follow the teachings of Islam, therefore, without discrimination of race, color, creed or nation, they are Muslim and they are the part of Muslim Ummah. That's why, as a Muslim Punjabi and being the 3rd largest ethnic community in the Muslim Ummah, they are supposed to practice Islam for their moral character building and the spiritual development for the life of the hereafter, moreover, respectable social, economic and political interaction with other ethnic communities of the Muslim Ummah.

3. They are the citizens of Pakistan, therefore, without discrimination of race, color, creed or nation, they are Pakistani and they are the part of the Pakistani State (A state composed upon the area of Indus Valley Civilization). That's why, as a Pakistani Muslim Punjabi and being the largest ethnic population in Pakistan, they are supposed to take part in the political stability, economic growth and social respect of their state Pakistan, furthermore, respectable social, economic and political interaction with other ethnic communities of Pakistan.

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