Friday 22 September 2017

356 Saints of different Ranks in Sufi Theosophy.

Theosophy refers to systems of esoteric philosophy concerning, investigating or seeking direct knowledge of presumed mysteries of being and nature, particularly concerning the nature of divinity. Theosophy is considered a part of the broader field of esotericism, referring to hidden knowledge or wisdom that offers the individual enlightenment and salvation.

The theosophist seeks to understand the mysteries of the universe and the bonds that unite the universe, humanity, and the divine. The goal of theosophy is to explore the origin of divinity and humanity and the world. From the investigation of those topics, theosophists try to discover a coherent description of the purpose and origin of the universe.

There are 356 saints of different rank and prestige in Sufi theosophy, only known to and appointed by Allah. It is through their operations that the world continues to exist. Such concepts are established in the Sunni branch of Islam, and in particular in the letters of original Sufi schools of spiritual disciplines.

It is due to these 356 Awliya that creation is given life and killed, due to them rain falls, vegetation grows and difficulties are removed.

There is one Qutb (Pole, Axis)

There are 3 Nuqaba (Leaders)

There are 5 Awtad (Pillars)

There are 7 Abrar (Piously Devoted Ones)

There are 40 Abdal (Substitutes)

There are 300 Akhyar (Excellent Ones)

There is one friend of Allah in the creation, Qutb (Pole, Axis), whose heart is like the heart of Israfil Alaihis Salam.

There are 3 friends of Allah in the creation, Nuqaba (Leaders), whose hearts are like that of Mika’il Alaihis Salam.

There are 5 friends of Allah in the creation, Awtad (Pillars), whose hearts are like that of Jibra’il Alaihis Salam.

There are 7 friends of Allah in the creation, Abrar (Piously Devoted Ones), whose hearts are like that of Ibrahim Alaihis Salam.

There are 40 friends of Allah in the creation, Abdal (Substitutes), whose hearts are like that of Musa Alaihis Salam.

There are 300 friends of Allah in the creation, Akhyar (Excellent Ones), whose hearts are like that of Adam Alaihis Salam.

When Qutb (Pole, Axis) (whose heart is like Israfil Alaihis Salam) dies, then one of the three Nuqaba (Leaders) (whose heart is like Mika’il Alaihis Salam) replaces him.

When one of the three Nuqaba (Leaders) (whose hearts are like Mika’il Alaihis Salam) dies, then one of the five Awtad (Pillars) (whose hearts are like Jibra’il Alaihis Salam) replaces him.

When one of the five Awtad (Pillars) (whose hearts are like Jibra’il Alaihis Salam) dies, then one of the seven Abrar (Piously Devoted Ones) (whose hearts are like Ibrahim Alaihis Salam) replaces him.

When one of the seven Abrar (Piously Devoted Ones) (whose hearts are like Ibrahim Alaihis Salam) dies, then one of the forty Abdal (Substitutes) (whose hearts are like Musa Alaihis Salam) replaces him.

When one of the forty Abdal (Substitutes) (whose hearts are like Musa Alaihis Salam) dies, then one of the three-hundred Akhyar (Excellent Ones) (whose hearts are like Adam Alaihis Salam) replaces him.

When one of the three-hundred Akhyar (Excellent Ones) (whose hearts are like Adam Alaihis Salam) dies, then one of a normal Muslim replaces him.

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