Wednesday 14 March 2018

Activities of Pakistani Nations for Economic Growth and Creative Work.

Nations those have ability and capability in agricultural, industrial, trade or services sectors along with ability and capability in politics, journalism, civil serves or military services are productive and creative nations and they consume their time in activities of innovative work.

Nations those have ability and capability only in agricultural, industrial, trade or services sectors are productive nations and they consume their time in activities of economic growth.

Nations those have ability and capability only in politics, journalism, civil serves or military services are nonproductive nations and they consume their time in conspiracies.

Nations those neither have ability and capability in agricultural, industrial, trade or services sectors and nor have ability and capability in politics, journalism, civil serves or military services are nonproductive nations and they consume their time in activities of immoral work.

The Punjabi nation has ability and capability in agricultural, industrial, trade and services sectors along with ability and capability in politics, journalism, civil serves, and military services, therefore, the Punjabi nation is a productive and creative nation and Punjabis consume their time in activities of innovative work.

What about Pathan, Baloch and Muhajir nation? What is their ability and capability for economic growth and creative work?

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