Wednesday 28 October 2015

Mindset of Pakistani Punjabi.

In India, establishment, politics and the media are under the domination of Non-Punjabi Hindus and UP-ite mindset Hindi speaking people, therefore Hindu Punjabis, Sikh Punjabis and Christian Punjabis are under administrative, political and social domination of Non-Punjabi Hindus and UP-ite mindset Hindi speaking people, but in Pakistan, Punjabi Muslim has the dominating position in the establishment, politics and the media but, the only problem is of mind-set.

There are two types of Punjabi mindsets in Pakistan;

1. Punjabi's with Punjabi Mind-Set.

These have respect, regard, and honor for their land, language, culture, and traditions.

They are of the opinion that; “Gunga Jumna Culture” is not feasible for the integrity & prosperity of Pakistan because the nations of Pakistan have belonged to the “Indus Valley Civilization”.

They are on the path of Punjabi nationalism, for success, they only need to quit the unnecessary sponsorship to the Urdu language, Gunga Jumna culture, UP-ite traditions and instead of UP-ites, they need to enhance the interaction with Sammat, Brahvi and Hindko nations. 

It is not a difficult task because, Sammat, Brahvi and Hindko nations are deprived and depressed nations due to their social, economic and political domination by the Baloch, Pathan and Urdu Speaking Hindustani people. Therefore, they need the support of Punjabi nation;

1. To rescue the Hindko nation from social, economic and political domination of Afghani infiltrators and invaders, those claims themselves as Pathan, by socially, economically and politically strengthen the Hindko nation in KPK.

2. To rescue the Brahvi nation from social, economic and political domination of Kurdistani infiltrators and invaders, those claims themselves as Baloch, by socially, economically and politically strengthen the Brahvi nation in Baluchistan.

3. To rescue the Sammat nation from social, economic and political domination of Hindustani infiltrators and invaders, those claims themselves as Muhajir, by socially, economically and politically strengthen the Sammat nation in Sind.

2. Punjabi's with Non-Punjabi Mind-Set.

These do not have respect, regard, and honor for their motherland, language, culture, and traditions. 

In united Punjab, the Muslim Punjabi community was in social, economic, and political interaction with three other communities, i.e. Sikh Punjabis, Hindu Punjabis and Christian Punjabis. These Muslim Punjabis had some bitter experience of interaction with the Non-Muslim Punjabi's therefore, their instinct of assimilation is switched from “Nation Punjabi to Religion Islam”.

They are in the opinion that, being a majority population of Muslim country, Muslim Punjabi's are guardians of “Islamic Republic of Pakistan” and binding force of Pakistani Muslim people is Urdu language, Gunga Jumna culture, and UP-ite traditions.

For the purpose, they had opted Urdu as binding language of Pakistan to assimilate Punjabi, Sindhi, Baloch, Pukhtoon, Muslims and for the gesture with Muslims of India, as they prefer to speak Urdu in India by declaring the Urdu as the language of Muslims.

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