Tuesday, 21 September 2021

PNF will form the "Pakistan Nationalist Forum" in Pakistan.

The PNF (Punjabi Nationalist Forum) has Zoned in every part of Pakistan. In Pakistan, PNF has North Punjab, Central Punjab, South Punjab, Sindh, Karachi, Balochistan Brahui Area, Balochistan Pashtun Area, and NWFP Zone.

The mission of each Zone of "PNF" is different. The PNF Leadership develops programs and formulates policies for Punjabis in each Zone according to social, economic, political, and administrative issues. Therefore, the "Narrative" of the PNF Leadership on socio-economic, political, and administrative issues in every part of Pakistan is very clear.

Each "Zone" of the "PNF" is working according to its mission in its Zone. Even now, PNF has become the largest network of "Punjabi Nationalists" in Pakistan. But the organization of "PNF" at the district level will be completed in 2021 and at the tehsil level in 2022 and from 2023 "PNF" will become active at the public level.

Punjabis want to create an atmosphere of love, peace, and harmony in Pakistan. Therefore, Punjabi Nationalists are required to create the best social and political relations with Sammat, Brahui, Hindko, Kashmiri, Gilgit-Baltistan, Kohistani, Chitrali, Swati, Derawali, Gujarati, Rajasthani (Kashmiri, Hindko, Derawali are counted in the Punjabi nation). Punjabi Nationalists must;

1. Respect them.

2. Treat them with good manners.

3. Collaborate with them.

4. Encourage them.

5. Help them.

After completing the organizational work of PNF, Punjabi Nationalist Forum (PNF) will form the Pakistan Nationalist Forum (PNF) at the Pakistan level with the collaboration of Sammat, Brahui, Gilgit-Baltistan, Kohistani, Chitrali, Swati, Gujarati, and Rajasthani Nations.

Sammat, Brahui, Gilgit-Baltistan, Kohistani, Chitrali, Swati, Gujarati, and Rajasthani Nations are also required to; Create their own Nationalist Forum in the style of "PNF". So that after completing the organizational work of "PNF", "Pakistan Nationalist Forum" can be formed in 2023.

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